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Whitepaper - Cadastral Grids in Mining: Considerations when implementing cadasdral grids

Cadastral Grids in Mining: Considerations when implementing cadasdral grids


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Many countries are currently updating their Mining Laws and Regulations and a common theme in some of the new laws is the implementation on a cadastral grid to regularize the shape of mineral rights.


It is our experience that migrating licenses to a cadastral grid can actually create a negative return on investment in terms of time, money and goodwill.


While our mining cadastre solution, Landfolio (previously known as FlexiCadastre), fully supports a cadastral grid system and has sophisticated tools available to create cadastral grids and migrate existing data converting a free-form mining cadastre to a cadastral grid can present a number of challenges, and sometimes, a cadastral grid can cause more problems than it would solve.